Great opportunity to see what Nature Conservation can do for Agriculture and the Environment! Check out and hear from Andrew Nichols about his farm Nature Conservation projects and what they mean to him and agriculture. Quiz Andrew about his on farm renewable energy generation. Please register via link attached for directions on where to meet. Look forward to seeing you there! *Note sturdy footwear for farm tour over uneven ground advised. **Please contact us for your accessibility needs.

RedBand Farm

Message from Andrew:

You are cordially invited to visit an intensive cropping, livestock, forestry and broiler breeder farm (The latter operational but off limits for visitation due to bio-security) which manages to combine profitable agriculture with wild life conservation. Redbanks at Sisters Creek won the national primary producer Landcare award in 2004 for combining conservation with productive farming. The farm continues to prove that farming and conservation can thrive together and highlights the fact that “farmer attitude” is often the only thing stopping more general adoption of simple conservation practises in the rural landscape. Come along and see some of what we do and discuss the issues with owner Andrew Nichols. Also a chance to pass comment on the 250 kw wind turbine powering the hatchery at Redbanks and serving as an example of “embedded generation” which is an alternative way of organising wind turbines in the landscape without impacting wilderness areas.



Event Details

Date & Time

Mar 15th, 2025 03:30 PM through to
Mar 15th, 2025 05:00 PM


(turn to Left approx 200 m past driveway and park under wind turbine)
152 Broomhall's Road



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