Braddon Greens Election Fundraiser. Play Trivia with your Favourite Greens Politician or Candidate! Help raise funds for the upcoming federal election campaign! Have a great night and show your Trivia knowledge!

Trivia Night!

Come and join the Braddon Greens at their fundraising Trivia night on the 15th of Februrary.

This will be Trivia with a Twist!

Bring your own team or join an existing team and each round your team will be joined by a different Greens politician or candidate.

To appeal to those who aren't total trivia nuts or people who are super competitive you can buy answers each round and compete in social games in between trivia rounds.

All money contributed will go towards the federal election campaign.

The event will be held at the Ulverstone Bowls club and there will be a bar available to purchase drinks. Complementary tea and coffee will also be available.

Bring your own snacks and food along with gold coins or small notes so you can participate in the games (or pay a penalty if found using your phone)

Teams limited to 10 people.


Event Details

Date & Time

Feb 15th, 2025 07:00 PM through to
Feb 15th, 2025 10:00 PM


41 Water St
Ulverstone Bowls and Community Club



Thank you for registering for the Braddon Greens Trivia Night.

Please specify if you have a team, and who else is on it or if you will need to join a team.

Register Now
Event Fee(s)
Billing Name and Address
Accessibility & Dietary Requirements