Registration is closed for this event
Join the local crew on December 3 at 2pm at Upper Burnie Recreaton Ground and meet your community!

With the possibility of a state election just around the corner, there's never been a better time to figure out what issues are affecting our communities, and what people need from the state government and the Greens.

The only way we can make change is by bringing everyday people along with us, so let's make it happen. 

One on one conversations are the most effective way to understand our community and to win votes. Even if you've never doorknocked before, we need you. We'll pair you up with someone experienced and train you on having effective conversations.

3rd December, 2023 2:00 PM   through   5:00 PM
2 Southwell Street
Upper Burnie Recreation Ground (car park

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Mobile: 0431 144 511